Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are a relatively common condition affecting more than 25 million Americans. Yet only a small percentage of the people who suffer from varicose veins seek treatment.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. They most commonly affect the veins in the legs, ankles and feet, typically appear swollen and raised, and have a bluish-purple or red color. For some, varicose veins may be viewed as a cosmetic concern. For others, symptoms may be so severe that they affect activities of daily living. Ultimately, varicose veins may signal a more serious underlying problem and are best evaluated by an experienced provider.
What causes varicose veins?
Varicose veins develop when weakened or damaged valves in the veins allow blood to flow in the wrong direction or to pool. This causes the veins to become enlarged and appear twisted. Sitting or standing for long periods can cause blood to pool in the leg veins, increasing the pressure within the veins.
Who’s at risk for varicose veins?
Chronic venous disease affects people of all races. Varicose veins affect both men and women, but mostly older women. Other risk factors include age, family history, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and multiple pregnancies.
When should I see a doctor?
If you are having leg pain, even if it is just a dull ache, you should schedule an appointment with one of the Vein Care Specialists providers. Without treatment, some people with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) may experience debilitating leg pain that can significantly impact quality of life.
You should also see a doctor if:
- The pain interferes with daily activity
- The vein has become red, very tender or warm to the touch, or swollen
- The skin on the calf or ankle becomes thick and changes color
- A vein begins to bleed
- There are sores or rashes on the leg
- The appearance of the vein is causing you distress
Through a physical examination and pain-free ultrasound technology, our providers can diagnose and assess your condition.
How can varicose veins be treated?
Varicose veins are often dismissed as a cosmetic problem, so people do not seek treatment until the disease has progressed. If caught early, however, there are minimally-invasive laser treatments available including sclerotherapy, EVLT, endovenous ablation or combination therapy. Surgical options exist for more advanced disease control.
A consultation with one of the Vein Care Specialists providers can help determine the best treatment for your individual needs.
How soon can I expect results?
Each patient’s condition is different, and results will vary. The goal is to relieve symptoms, eliminate the condition and improve long-term health of the veins. Our providers will create a customized treatment plan for the most effective results, which may include conversative treatments, surgical methods or a combination of several techniques.