Varicose veins are a relatively common condition that affect both men and women, but most commonly affect older women. Varicose veins are a result of poor circulation. Valves within our veins help blood flow to the heart. If a valve gets damaged or stops working, the blood flow gets clogged, causing the vein to swell. The vein can then appear twisted and raised, and is usually purple or blue, or even red in color. Varicose veins are most common in the legs, ankles and feet, but can also occur in the hands and face.
What are varicose veins?
What causes venous disease?
Many factors can play a role including:
Genetics – development of varicose and spider veins are often heredity.
Age – venous disease may occur at any time but most frequently between 18 and 35 years old.
Gender – females are 4x more likely to be affected than males.
Pregnancy – veins that develop during pregnancy may improve or disappear a few months after giving birth.
Lifestyle/Occupation – people who stand or sit for a prolonged period of time are at an increased risk of developing vein conditions.Other lifestyle factors include:
Birth control pills/hormone replacement therapy
Chronic constipation
Sedentary lifestyle
Menstrual cycle severityExtreme heat
Does the insurance company cover this procedure?
Most insurance companies cover medically necessary procedures. Spider vein treatment is typically considered cosmetic and not covered by insurance. If a referral is required, you will need to get that from your primary physician before your consultation. After your initial evaluation with the Vein Care Specialists surgeons, we will contact your insurance company for pre-authorization.
Why should I have my veins treated? What would happen if I just left them alone and did nothing at all?
The ease, painlessness and exceptionally high success rate of venous therapy has made it possible for most people to enjoy the benefits of treatment while eliminating the risks of progression. Breakthroughs in minimally-invasive treatment of vein disorders mean patients experience less treatment time and less pain. For those experiencing severe or chronic pain or advanced vascular ulcers, treatment can be life-altering. And, for those struggling with the appearance of varicose veins, it can lead to more confidence and improved quality of life. Venous disease is a progressive disease, and its symptoms intensify over time. Without treatment, early symptoms of venous disease can lead to lipodermosclerosis, a disease of the skin and connective tissue; an increased chance of superficial venous thrombophlebitis, clotting in the superficial veins that causes severe pain and incapacitation; spontaneous bleeding of a exposed or injured vein; and ulceration wounds on the leg that will not heal.
When should I see a doctor?
Do you have that tired, achy and heavy feeling in your legs? Or tingling, numbness, or pain from prolonged sitting or standing? If so, you could be experiencing varicose veins.
Other symptoms can include swelling, burning, muscle cramps, or a change to your skin color or texture, such as drying, thinning or scaling. Through a physical examination and pain-free ultrasound technology, our specialists can diagnose and assess your condition.
How soon can I expect results?
Each patient’s condition is different and results will vary. The goal is to relieve symptoms, eliminate the condition, and improve long-term health of the veins. Our specialists will create a customized treatment plan for the most effective results, which may include conservative treatments, surgical methods, or a combination of several different techniques.
Do I need the veins that are being removed?
Your circulation is not damaged by the treatment of abnormal veins. There are many healthy veins that take over when abnormal veins are removed. In addition, 97% of the blood that passes through leg veins are carried by the deep veins, which are not affected by superficial vein treatment.
What can I do to prevent additional varicose or spider veins?
During your initial consultation with Vein Care Specialists, measurements will be taken of your legs so we may order medical compression stockings. Compression stockings help alleviate pressure caused by varicose and spider veins. After treatment, compression therapy can assist is keeping these veins from returning.
Will treated veins return?
The treated veins should be gone permanently. However, patients who develop varicose and spider veins have a genetic predisposition to developing veins so they will always be at risk for developing new veins. If an underlying problem is detected in your superficial vein system, it is very necessary to correct the problem so that veins will not return. Continued compression therapy when necessary will also help reduce the risks of veins returning.